الأحد، 20 يناير 2013

How to find my ip address and mac address on windows xp

Here's how:

     Click on the Start menu button on the Windows taskbar.
     Click "Run ..." In this list.
     Type "cmd" in the text box that appears. Command prompt window launches on the desktop.
     In this context it, "ipconfig / all" type. Details on each of the computer network adapters. Will computers installed with VPN software or programs simulate owning one or more virtual adapters.
     Field "IP address" states the current IP address for this network adapter.
     Field 'Physical Address "states this adapter's MAC address.


     Careful to read the IP address of the correct adapter. Virtual adapters usually show a private address instead of the actual Internet address.
     Virtual adapters have software emulated MAC addresses and not actual physical address of the network interface card.

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